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Our NDIS Approved Services

We provide a wide range of services that support and enable our clients to lead best lives and assist them to maintain their independence in all facets of their lives.

Vacuuming the Couch

Domestic Assistance

We at ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY CARE can help with those everyday life tasks that are just as important in our lives and need to get done, such as:

  • Cleaning

  • Gardening

  • Day to day life tasks

Accessible Workspace


Staying connected and involved with your community is vital to maintaining good health and wellbeing. This includes:

  • Community access

  • Transport

  • Development of life skill

  • Group activities

Hair Washing

Personal Care

When every day activities become too difficult to manage by ourselves, we often need our family and loved ones to chip in. ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY CARE  provides the support  to help you stay healthy and look and feel your best with dignity. These services include:

  • Showering, bathing, and toileting

  • Grooming

  • Food preparation/Meals

  • Medication

Nurse Talking to Patient

Clinical Services

Our health professionals can help you to manage and support your complex care needs, proactively maintain your health, and function, and manage your pain and chronic conditions. We provide:


  • Nursing

White Bedroom


We at ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY CARE understand that the ultimate goal for many individuals is  to live independently in their  own homes. To achieve this goal we provide:

  1. Short Term Accommodation

  2. Medium Term Accommodation

  3. Supported Independent Living (SIL) Accommodation options.

 For more information, speak to one of our team members.

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